rtf extensions having extra spaces -you can always open these with MS-Word and apply the same method to do away with spaces.
Here you can learn how to remove such line and paragraph break too. After this problem, I usually encounter the arbitrary paragraph or line breaks. Only neat and clean sentences will remain. This will remove leading spacesĪnd you are done! Now your MS Word document will be devoid of those extra leading and trialing space. Keeping the lines selected, press Ctrl + L to do left align.Keeping the lines selected, press Ctrl + R to do right align.It can quickly help us count the pages, words, etc. Or if we want to check the number of words in the selected paragraph, we can use the word count function.

Kindly comment and let us know the fix that helped you fix the issue.Are you also bothered because of extra spaces at the beginning of lines in MS Word document? Well, I often receive documents full of such line and wonder how to remove extra spaces before these hundreds of lines. Select the paragraph you want to change, or press Ctrl+A to select all text. We hope this article has been informative. You will see the extra spaces removed from the last line. Step 4: Now, select the line break symbol as shown below Step 3: You will see where the Paragraph ends. If youre using paragraph styles in your document and want to incorporate the line spacing change in the paragraph style, drag past the last character in the. Select Expanded to increase the spacing between your characters, or Condensed to reduce the size of the spacing between your characters. Step 2: Now, click on the Paragraph symbol from the Paragraph section Highlight the text you want to change the spacing between. Step 1: From the top menu, click on the Home tab Step 6: Now tick on Don’t expand character spaces on a line that ends with SHIFT+RETURNįix 4: Remove the Line Break mark at the end of the paragraph Step 5: From the right-hand side, scroll down and locate the section Layout options for Each word consists of one or more lowercase English letters and are.

Step 4: From the Word Options window that opens, choose Advanced from the left-hand side. You are given a string text of words that are placed among some number of spaces.

Step 3: Choose Options from the pop-up menu. Step 2: From the left-hand-side menu, click on More Step 1: From the top menu, click on the File tab If you are seeing extra spaces only in the last line of the paragraph, this might be because the Word does not recognize it as the end of the paragraph and adds spaces to set the alignment. Fix 3: Enable the option Don’t add character spaces It is not advised to keep these settings by default on the documents. NOTE: Don’t press the Set As Default button. Step 8: Once all the settings are done, click on the OK button Step 7: Experiment with these options and see what fits best for you. Step 6: Now, you can see all the options enabled (Scale, Spacing, and Position). Step 4: From the Font window that opens, click on the Advanced tab. Step 3: From the Font section, click on the small arrow at the corner as shown below. Step 1: Open MS Word and select the entire document